So, we have several trucks at work, and one day I notice our 1982 Ford F-150 4X4 sitting off to the side and not being
used. I asked around and it seems that the vehicle no longer met our emissions requirements and they had lost the title.
They could not sell it to a scrap yard because they need a title and were not sure what to do with. I told them I would
pay scrap value for it (~$100) and they told me if I would get it out of here by the end of the week I could have it
for free! Well myself loving junk like I do brought it on home. Now I have decided a name for the new beast
send me your ideas!

Keep in mind this truck's last inspection sticker said 5/7 and I don't think it meant '97. Probably for more than
the last 10 years it had not been over 20 mph. To some this would present a problem to bring it hom, for me not at all,
I fired it up and drove the beast on home (~2 miles) You would be amazed for something that had been under 20 mph for
so long, it handled pretty good at 65 mph!

As can be seen in the pictures the truck has been pretty well abused. It is equipped with a 302 cubic inch V8,
automatic transmission, NP208 4 wheel drive transfer case, Ford 9" rear axle, Dana 44 TTB front axle, It has an aluminum flat
bed with a "headache" rack, originally it had dual tanks, but now has only one. Originally had A/C but is now missing
some parts (condensor, compressor, etc..) Engine runs great, transmission shifts crisp, the 4x4 works 100%
My buddy Louis and his brother Jose came in to lend a hand with inspecting the vehicle's condition. We quickly went
to Walmart and bought only the finest oil, filters, spark plugs, carb cleaner, engine degreaser, and an air cleaner.
By finest I mean the Walmart brand "SuperTech" All the stuff would normally cost a good bit, but thanks to Sam Walton's
economic brillance it was under $50. We cleaned her up, gave her a basic tune-up and I swear new trucks don't run this
well. Included in the basic tune-up is Louis and I's pateneted internal engine cleaning, This involves pouring a quart
of automatic transmission fluid in the oil and draining it! For those of you who think you have to pump a carburated
vehicles gas a couple of times to start it, you have never seen this one. Just bump the key and purr's to life, it is
almost runs disturbingly well.

So you ask what the hell are you going to do with a 1982 Ford F-150 4X4? I ask you what am I not going to do?
It is going to be an off-road machine that gets beat on worst than Tina Turner. Louis rounded up a 6" suspension
lift and 3" body lift for it, that as they say on Monster Garage are FREEBIES! I plan on "Lincoln" locking the
rear end, clean it up a bit and flogging the piss out of it. You ask what are you going to do if you blow the engine
up or shatter the front axle? My answer, simple pour some gas on it and throw a match! Hey I have less than $50
bucks in this truck! I could fill it up with gas and double it's value!

Thanks to for the picture! |